Thanks to match-making by PPAF, and work done on the marketing of Madagascar handi-crafts in the U.S., a buyer from California now places regular orders on baskets she sells in the U.S. Orders have also expanded to custom-made straw hats. The potential buyer asked PPAF for information on Madagascar producer organizations which could supply a quantity of baskets, custom-made. PPAF put the buyer in touch with a producers association, which made the deal. According to the buyer, “I am very proud to show these items; they are expertly crafted and authentic.”
What We Do:
Special Event: Showing and Sales of Malagasy Products and Handicrafts- Nov. 18-21, 2014.
Permanent Mission of Madagascar to the UN "Diplomat Center Building" at 820 Second Ave. Suite 800 New York 10017.
Light refreshments will be served. Details on companies exhibiting are found in the PDF's below.
"Art Creation Foundation For Children in Jacmel is, in a sense, a client and colleague organization. As well, I personally am a suppoter. I am delighted to know and work with PPAF, for their knowledge, willingness to share and collaborate, and for their genuine concern for the people in Haiti with whom we also work. We are emissaries for each other's organizations and a part of the whole that we wish for tomorrow" -- Judy Hoffman, Founder and Adviser of the Art Creation Foundation for Children (ACFFC)